Installing radiant 0.6 on site 5


I am trying to install radiant 0.6 on Site5 hosting - does anyone know
this can be done easily? I have followed tutorials for the .5.2 release
cannot get this working for .6.

Any ideas?


Have you tried these instructions?:

At one time I posted how to install .6 rc2 to the mailing list.
currently trying to find it again so I don’t have to type it all over.

I’ve been working on getting it going for the past few days. Some
users here have reported that they have 0.6 running, and that it
installed without trouble.

Take a look at the these two threads:

From my understanding of things (although take this with a grain of
salt since I haven’t been able to get things working), there are a
few steps you must take in addition to the standard installation
procedure (as listed in the blog post that Al mentioned):

Before you do anything, setup RubyGems to install (and subsequently
search) a directory in your home path. This is detailed nicely in
the site5 forums post that I linked above. Then install the gem and
unpack radiant using the directions from the official blog. You then
need to force the server into production mode by uncommenting the
line in config/environment.rb.

Finally, move the public_html folder to public_html_bak and create a
symbolic link pointing from public_html to the public folder of your

Best of luck!