Installing GNURadio on Cygwin, Windows XP: URGENT!

Hello everyone!     I am new to GNURadio. I tried installing cygwin
with all the utilities and libraries as given on And then
I unzipped gnuradio as well. I have the following doubts:( 1 ) Shall I
unzip GNURadio in the same drive where I have installed cygwin? For Eg :
i have downloaded cygwin and installed it on my F :\ drive. And on the
same drive I have unzipped GNURadio-3.2.2. So my question is shall I
unzip GNURadio inside cygwin or I am ok if it is installed on F :
drive?( 2 ) If the answer of above question is that I let GNURadio
remain on F drive, then when I try building the minimal  GNURadio syatem
by giving the ./configure command, i get error: unable to use python
headers.How to solve this?   Can anyone please help me,I am trying to
get my GNURadio working since last 3 weeks but no success :(Thank you
for looking into my query.Regards,ReenaÂ

Ms reena vade wrote:

It shouldn’t matter as long as there are no spaces in your path name.

( 2 ) If the answer of above question is that I let GNURadio remain on F
then when I try building the minimal GNURadio syatem by giving the
command, i get error: unable to use python headers. How to solve this?

I assume you are following the instructions at If not you may
to look there first.

The config.log file tells you what it was doing when it ran into
Does the file /usr/include/python2.5/Python.h exist? It might help to
us what parameters you used on ./configure and the exact error message
the lines that precede it in the output of ./configure.

– Don W.