is that possible.
google says nothing about it.
ciao robertj
is that possible.
google says nothing about it.
ciao robertj
Robert K. wrote:
is that possible.
google says nothing about it.ciao robertj
Robert- I’m handling it with a new task and a yml config.
sudo rake gems:install
######## gems.rake ########
namespace :gems do
require ‘rubygems’
task :install do
# defaults to --no-rdoc --no-ri, set docs=(anything) to build docs
docs = (ENV[‘docs’].nil? ? ‘–no-rdoc --no-ri’ : ‘’)
#grab the list of gems/version to check
gems = YAML.load_file ‘config/gems.yml’
gems.each do |gem|
# load the gem spec
gem_spec = YAML.load(`gem spec #{gem[:name]}`)
gem_loaded = false
gem_loaded = require_gem gem[:name], gem[:version] rescue nil
# if forced
# or there is no gem_spec
# or the spec version doesn't match the required version
# or require_gem returns false
# (return false also happens if the gem has already been
if ! ENV[‘force’].nil? or
! gem_spec or
(gem_spec.version.version != gem[:version] and ! gem_loaded)
ret = system "gem install #{gem[:name]} -v #{gem[:version]} -y
# something bad happened, pass on the message
p $? unless ret
puts “#{gem[:name]} #{gem[:version]} already installed”
######## gems.yml ########
- :name: rails
:version: "1.1.6"
- :name: fastercsv
:version: "0.2.1"
- :name: memcache-client
:version: "1.0.3"
- :name: mongrel
:version: ""
- :name: mongrel_cluster
:version: "0.2.0"
- :name: uuidtools
:version: "1.0.0"
- :name: ferret
:version: "0.9.5"
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