Installing a fork of a gem from github?

I haven’t quite figured out how to do this - maybe I am overthinking
the problem.

I want to install the ec2onrails gem. But not the one that I get when
I type
sudo gem install ec2onrails
I want a specific one that somehow has done patches to. It is a fork
of the original.

I thought I could do something like:
sudo gem install ec2onrails --source

but I get
ERROR: While executing gem … (OptionParser::InvalidArgument)
invalid argument: --source git://

Any ideas?

Prepend the username. So in this case:

gem install skippy-ec2onrails

And make sure is a source.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:55 AM, phil [email protected] wrote:

I thought I could do something like:
sudo gem install ec2onrails --source git://

but I get
ERROR: While executing gem … (OptionParser::InvalidArgument)
invalid argument: --source git://

Any ideas?

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Did you find a solution ? , i’ve the same problem

Jeremy McAnally wrote:

Prepend the username. So in this case:

gem install skippy-ec2onrails

And make sure is a source.

In the past I’ve pulled down the source, built the gem, installed it and
then unpacked it to vendor/gems. I like this solution a lot more.

Great to know!

  • Parker