Installation of Savage Beast?

Busy implementing Savage Beast into our home-grown CMS and running into
a few hiccups.

What I’ve done so far is:

  1. Installed Engines 1.2
  2. Copied Savage Beast into the plugins folder
  3. Copied the other plugins in that Beast uses (browser_filters,
    exception_logger, gibberish, open_id_authentication, white_list and
  4. Created a route in my routes.rb before my CMS routing instructions,
    like so:
    map.connect ‘forum’,
    :controller => “forums”,
    :action => “index”

When I visit http://mysite/forum I get the following error:

NoMethodError in Forums#index
Showing vendor/plugins/savage_beast/app/views/forums/index.rhtml where
line #9 raised:
undefined method `admin?’ for #User:0x4470fa0

where line #9 is
<% if admin? %>

I’'m assuming this is related to authentication, but I’m unsure what the
steps are to resolve this.

Any help appreciated.


I should also add that I have run the plugin migrations and the new
tables are in place.

Hey Nick -

Looks like you’ve found a dependency on my implementation - harumph!

You can solve that issue by adding an “admin?” method to your User
model (I’m doing role based stuff, that shouldn’t be in the standard
templates). Additionally you can over-ride the view in question(which
is likely how I integrated SB)

please email me and I’ll work you through your integration.

General Partner
The nNovation Group inc.

Jodi S. wrote:

You can solve that issue by adding an “admin?” method to your User
model (I’m doing role based stuff, that shouldn’t be in the standard
templates). Additionally you can over-ride the view in question(which
is likely how I integrated SB)

Ok, added the method. Now I get

NoMethodError in Forums#index
Showing vendor/plugins/savage_beast/app/views/forums/index.rhtml where
line #18 raised:
undefined method `formatted_all_posts_path’ for

where line #18 is
18: <%= feed_icon_tag _(“Recent Posts”),
formatted_all_posts_path(:format => ‘rss’) %>


I have been trying to integrate SB into my current RoR app. I’ve
gotten pretty far (I think), and found the sbDemo (http:// extremely helpful! I think I
am so close … but when I go to /forums on my site, I get this error:
“undefined method `format_attribute’ for Forum:Class”

I downloaded all the plugins, migrated tables, updated my
routes.rb … what else am I missing? After I’m finished, I’d love to
write up some really detailed steps and share with the group!

On May 23, 10:52 am, Nick C. [email protected]

You’re missing white_list_formatted_content (http://svn.techno-

If you don’t have, you’ll also need:


what would we do with Rick?

SB really needs some docs, so please do blog. Perhaps I could include
some measure in the README/


Hmph. I pulled all the plugins over from your sbDemo, including
white_list_formatted_content, white_list, and browser_filters. Here’s
the output when I try to install it again using the svn site:

3 [C:\bpa] c:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe script/plugin install
already installed: white_list_formatted_content (http://svn.techno-
ojects/plugins/white_list_formatted_content/). pass --force to

Any other ideas? Thanks in advance, I would definitely like to help
out w/ a doc!

Jodi S. wrote:

ahh. I thought you were referring to your app - not the demo.

would you mind emailing me the steps to re-create the bug.

I’lll try it out here, and patch the demo if needed.

thanx for your help.

[email protected]

Has anyone successfully installed SB? If so is there a step by step
instruction for the process? It would be great to make use of the

ahh. I thought you were referring to your app - not the demo.

would you mind emailing me the steps to re-create the bug.

I’lll try it out here, and patch the demo if needed.

thanx for your help.

[email protected]

Foo B. -

On 14-Aug-07, at 9:15 PM, Foo B. wrote:

[email protected]

Has anyone successfully installed SB? If so is there a step by step
instruction for the process? It would be great to make use of the

SB is deployed in a few projects (, plus a few others) to

the blog post is kinda-gritty - you’ll likely find most of your
answers with a demo app I put up::
