Hi all,
I am attempting to get ruby and some gems up and working but am a
total noob to ruby.
First could someone clear up these basic questions:
when using the “gem update --system” “gem install watir” the
command line says gem is not recognized as an internal or external
where do I navigate to before I type that command?
and to scrape an ajax web site (which is what I want to do) is
firewatir the gem I need?
Thx in advance… more questions to come
Eric Stevens wrote:
command line says gem is not recognized as an internal or external
where do I navigate to before I type that command?
You don’t have rubygems installed - so you need to install it. The best
way to do that depends on what platform you are on. (Windows? OSX?
Linux? Which version?)
For example: Ubuntu Linux normally would be “sudo apt-get install
The error messages implies you are using Windows.
Perhaps you don’t have the Ruby/bin dir (where the gem executable is) in
your PATH environment variable?