Install will_paginate 3.0pre2

I’m trying to install will_paginate 3.0pre2. Does’t work. However I can
install path-will_paginate. That is 3.0pre2. Is that the same? What’s
the difference?

I am not certain that I understand your question…

This is how I use it - in your Gemfile add one line (this will be the
3.0pre2 at the moment)
gem ‘will_paginate’, ‘~> 3.0.beta’

and then run bundle install

bourne wrote in post #975866:

I am not certain that I understand your question…

This is how I use it - in your Gemfile add one line (this will be the
3.0pre2 at the moment)
gem ‘will_paginate’, ‘~> 3.0.beta’

and then run bundle install

I mean install it directly with ‘gem install’ in the terminal