Install Haml in vendor/gems under Windows

Following this blog entry →

I am trying to install Haml in vendor/gems on a Windows environment.
What I did was

my_project\vendor\gems\gem fetch haml
Downloaded haml-2.0.1

my_project\vendor\gems\gem unpack haml-2.0.1.gem
Unpacked gem: ‘my_project/vendor/gems/haml-2.0.1.gem’

The next step in the install instructions (http:// is

haml --rails path/to/app

Where is this haml command supposed to exist?
Is it the haml.rb in my_project/vendor/gems/haml-2.0.1/lib?
I tried

my_project\vendor\gems\haml-2.0.1\lib\ruby haml.rb --rails …/…/…/…


my_project\ruby vendor\gems\haml-2.0.1\lib\haml.rb --rails .

Both do not generate any output.
I understand there should be generated a init.rb in the vendor/plugins
directory but it’s empty.
What am I doing wrong?

Is there any significant difference in putting Haml in vendor/gems vs
keeping it in vendor/plugins [under git submodule]? I know the
recommended manner is to use the gem. Just wondering if there’s
anything noticeably different. [And too lazy to suss it out for


one difference is that when you do gem update the plugins dont get
updated you have to go into each and evry one of them in each and
every one of the rails projects you have done and type svn up.

if you’re vendoring rails, you wouldn’t want an automatically updated
haml either though. and freezing haml to vendor seems much like using
it as a plugin. just my take.


haml is an executable you “just” type in the root of your rails app

haml --rails .

or one directory up

haml --rails name_of_folder_app_is_in

hope it helps

On Jul 3, 7:07 pm, zoopzoop [email protected] wrote:

Following this blog entry → Vendor Everything — err.the_blog
I am trying to install Haml in vendor/gems on a Windows environment.
What I did was

my_project\vendor\gems\gem fetch haml
Downloaded haml-2.0.1

you dont need to do this explicitely,

you can just do gem install haml

my_project\vendor\gems\gem unpack haml-2.0.1.gem
Unpacked gem: ‘my_project/vendor/gems/haml-2.0.1.gem’

The next step in the install instructions (http:// is

haml --rails path/to/app

Where is this haml command supposed to exist?

windows/system32 i think