Install community engine on aptana radrails

I’ve been having some real frustrating install issues on getting
community engine running on radrails.

see my forum post on:

where I was referred over to this community. Anyway, if anyone has had
success with a radrails install of community engine…I would really
could use the help or some pointers.


I don’t have an answer for you but have you tried netbeans?

I used aptana for a while but switched to netbeans and like it better.

I’ve made some progress with the community engine installation…and
feel I’m close to get this working. though struggling currently with
database migrations…see below: thanks! kerry

script/generate plugin_migration
mime_type.rb:66: warning: already initialized constant JS

[COMMUNITY ENGINE] You have 56 pending CommunityEngine migrations:
CE is at 56, but you have only migrated it to 0
Please run ‘script/generate plugin_migration’ AND ‘rake db:migrate’
before continuing, or you will experience errors.

  exists  db/migrate
  create  db/migrate/


rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate
(in C:/Documents and Settings/kshahan/My Documents/Aptana Studio/two)
== 20080624163622 CommunityEngineToVersion56: migrating
== 1 CreateUsers: migrating
– create_table(“users”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0780s
== 1 CreateUsers: migrated (0.0780s)

== 2 AddActivationCodeToUser: migrating

– add_column(:users, :activation_code, :string, {:limit=>40})
→ 0.1870s
– add_column(:users, :activated_at, :datetime)
→ 0.2500s
== 2 AddActivationCodeToUser: migrated (0.4370s)

== 3 CreatePhotos: migrating

– create_table(:photos)
→ 0.0780s
== 3 CreatePhotos: migrated (0.0780s)

== 4 AddTagSupport: migrating

– create_table(:tags)
→ 0.0940s
– create_table(:taggings)
→ 0.0780s
== 4 AddTagSupport: migrated (0.1720s)

== 5 CreateFriendships: migrating

– create_table(:friendships)
→ 0.0790s
== 5 CreateFriendships: migrated (0.0790s)

== 6 AddCommentsTables: migrating

– create_table(:comments, {:force=>true})
→ 0.0780s
– add_index(:comments, [“user_id”], {:name=>“fk_comments_user”})
→ 0.2030s
== 6 AddCommentsTables: migrated (0.2810s)

== 7 CreateFriendshipStatuses: migrating

– create_table(:friendship_statuses)
→ 0.0790s
– add_column(“friendships”, “friendship_status_id”, :integer)
→ 0.2180s
== 7 CreateFriendshipStatuses: migrated (0.2970s)

== 8 AddFriendshipStatuses: migrating

== 8 AddFriendshipStatuses: migrated (0.1250s)

== 9 CreateClippings: migrating

– create_table(:clippings)
→ 0.0780s
== 9 CreateClippings: migrated (0.0780s)

== 10 CreateInvitations: migrating

– create_table(:invitations)
→ 0.0780s
== 10 CreateInvitations: migrated (0.0930s)

== 11 CreateHomepageFeatures: migrating

– create_table(:homepage_features)
→ 0.0780s
== 11 CreateHomepageFeatures: migrated (0.0780s)

== 12 CreatePosts: migrating

– create_table(:posts)
→ 0.0940s
== 12 CreatePosts: migrated (0.0940s)

== 13 CreateStates: migrating

– create_table(:states)
→ 0.0780s
– add_column(“users”, “state_id”, :integer)
→ 0.2190s
== 13 CreateStates: migrated (0.2970s)

== 14 AddStates: migrating

== 14 AddStates: migrated (2.3120s)

== 15 CreateMetroAreas: migrating

– create_table(:metro_areas)
→ 0.0780s
– add_column(“users”, “metro_area_id”, :integer)
→ 0.2190s
== 15 CreateMetroAreas: migrated (0.2970s)

== 16 AddMetroAreas: migrating

== 16 AddMetroAreas: migrated (3.7350s)

== 17 AddSessionsTable: migrating

– create_table(:sessions)
→ 0.1090s
– add_index(:sessions, :sessid)
→ 0.1720s
== 17 AddSessionsTable: migrated (0.2810s)

== 18 CreateCategories: migrating

– create_table(:categories)
→ 0.1400s
== 18 CreateCategories: migrated (0.1400s)

== 19 ChangeCommentToTextField: migrating

– change_column(“comments”, “comment”, :text, {:default=>“”})
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: #42000BLOB/TEXT column ‘comment’ can’t have a default
value: ALTER TABLE comments CHANGE comment comment text DEFAULT

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate
(in C:/Documents and Settings/kshahan/My Documents/Aptana Studio/two)
== 20080624163622 CommunityEngineToVersion56: migrating
== 1 CreateUsers: migrating
– create_table(“users”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.2970s
== 1 CreateUsers: migrated (0.2970s)

== 2 AddActivationCodeToUser: migrating

– add_column(:users, :activation_code, :string, {:limit=>40})
→ 0.1870s
– add_column(:users, :activated_at, :datetime)
→ 0.1570s
== 2 AddActivationCodeToUser: migrated (0.3440s)

== 3 CreatePhotos: migrating

– create_table(:photos)
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: #42S01Table ‘photos’ already exists: CREATE TABLE
photos (id int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, description text DEFAULT NULL NULL,
created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT
NULL NULL, user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL NULL, content_type
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, filename varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
NULL, size int(11) DEFAULT NULL NULL, parent_id int(11) DEFAULT
NULL NULL, thumbnail varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, width int(11)

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

On Jun 17, 6:09 am, rubynuby [email protected] wrote:

I don’t have an answer for you but have you tried netbeans?

Oracle Transition

I used aptana for a while but switched to netbeans and like it better.
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