Inserting multiple tuple into the database from single form

Hi friend

 I want to add 5 user names from a single form . but 5 will be

inserted into different tuple . how to do that . please help me

<% for i in 1…5 %>
<%= render :partial=>‘user’, :locals => { :index => i } %>
<% end %>

in your _user.rhtml:

<%= text_field “user_#{index}”, ‘field_name’ %>
<%= text_field “user_#{index}”, ‘field_name_2’ %>

in your controller:

for i in 1…5
user =[“user_#{index}”])

when you do the batch edit, it is quite the same way.

On Aug 30, 5:34 am, Vijayendra A. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-