Hello all,
I’ve been getter better with Rails but I’m still just learning.
Here’s what I have.
I have one table (imports) and I read in a csv into this table.
I must do some preliminary editing to each record, afterwhich, I wish to
insert all records into another table (projects) in one shot.
I’ve created a button below the table
<%= button_to “Add Records to Projects”, :action => ‘add_new_projects’
I need a little clarity on this.
I know how to delete all records from a table. I wonder if it’s as
Thank you for any help.
John M. wrote:
Hello all,
I’ve been getter better with Rails but I’m still just learning.
Here’s what I have.
I have one table (imports) and I read in a csv into this table.
I must do some preliminary editing to each record, afterwhich, I wish to
insert all records into another table (projects) in one shot.
I’ve created a button below the table
<%= button_to “Add Records to Projects”, :action => ‘add_new_projects’
I need a little clarity on this.
I know how to delete all records from a table. I wonder if it’s as
Thank you for any help.
You already asked this at Inserting multiple records from one table (model) to another - Rails - Ruby-Forum /
, and got some answers. Let’s keep further discussion to that thread.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
I think you have to loop through the list saving one record each time,
but I
could be wrong. If anyone’s got a better way I’d love to know what it
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:37 PM, John M. <
Thank you for the reply.
I’ve been struggling with this for some time.
Recently, I have this…
controller -
def create_csv_projects
@imports = Import.all
@projects = Project.all
@imports.each { |import|
if @projects.create!(params)
flash[‘notice’] = ‘CSV projects have been successfully created
in Projects Database.’
redirect_to :controller => ‘projects’, :action => ‘index’
Unfortunately, it not working.
Jillian G. wrote:
I think you have to loop through the list saving one record each time,
but I
could be wrong. If anyone’s got a better way I’d love to know what it
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:37 PM, John M. <
Jillian G. wrote:
I think you have to loop through the list saving one record each time,
but I
could be wrong.
And so you are. It is never appropriate to put an SQL query inside a
If anyone’s got a better way I’d love to know what it
Use something like ar-extensions if possible. If not, then build an SQL
query string directly.
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:37 PM, John M. <
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]