Inserted html using javascript function

I’m using a javascript function to insert html code into my page
(following the Railscast on nested models)

The function that inserts the javascript is this:

function add_result(link, association, content) {

var new_id = new Date().getTime();
var regexp = new RegExp(“new_” + association, “g”);
var linkrow = $(link).up(“tr”);

after: content.replace(regexp, new_id) });

And this is the html.erb that is inserted:

<% for c in @picture_fields %>

<% if c == "intervention" %>
  <tr class="pictureclass">
  <td class="name"><%=t 'form.results.picture.'+c%></td>
  <td><%= f.radio_button c,

‘form.results.picture.interventionoptions.option1’%><%= f.radio_button
c, t(‘form.results.picture.interventionoptions.option2’)%><%=t
‘form.results.picture.interventionoptions.option2’%><%= f.radio_button
c, t(‘form.results.picture.interventionoptions.option3’)%><%=t

 <% elsif c == "couchetype" %>
  <tr class="pictureclass">
  <td class="name"><%=t 'form.results.picture.'+c%></td>
  <td><%= f.text_field :selected_couchetypes, :readonly=>true %></


link_to( image_tag(‘more.png’, :border=>0,
{:controller=>“thesaurus”, :action=>“list”,
{ :popup=>[‘thesaurus’,
‘height=800,width=750,location=no,scrollbars=yes’]}) %>

 <%else %>
   <tr class="pictureclass"><td></td><td ></td></tr>
   <tr class="pictureclass">
   <td class="name"><%=t 'form.results.picture.'+c%></td>
   <td><%= f.text_field c, :class=>"number"%></td>

 <% end %>

<% end %>

f.hidden_field :_destroy %><%= link_to_function
t(‘form.results.picture.destroy’), “remove_fields(this,

When the html is inserted, there is a size=“30” attribute for the text
input field:

But I have no idea how it got there. Any ideas?