Has anyone here ever run into the problem of having a list that cycles
a class name, in order for alternating lines to have a different
color, using the cycle() helper, but had it mess up when using the
prototype/ajax helper insert_html?
I’m trying to come up with a solution for this, and this is what I
have so far.
I’ve got a javascript that is included in the page:
Event.observe(window, ‘load’, function(){
var alternateColor = function(){
$$(‘li.item’).each(function(el, index){
if (index % 2)
And in my form_remote_for, I use the callback “complete” like this:
form_remote_for(:model, :url => example_path, :complete =>
“alterateColor()”) do |f|
The problem is, while the javascript works when reloading the page, it
fails to do anything after the form is submitted and the Ajax call is