Insert data into databese

i have 2 veriables…such as

industry = “Oil”
company = “XXXXX”

again i hv a table named industry_details…this table contain three
field i.e IndID, IndType,Ind_company

Here IndID auto-incriment…

So how can i insert this two data into the database’s table, named

…If any one please help me i will b very much thankful to him/her

Thanking you…

Waitin for reply

In the create action in your controller u can try this

def create
your_code to insert into the first table

@industry_details = => params[:industry],
:ind_company => params[:company])


here i faced 1 problem…

undefined method `IndType=’ for #

this is teh main error…

but there is a field named IndType in IndustryDetail table…

So how can i solv this…
please help me…

thanking You

On Jun 23, 12:48 pm, “bala kishore pulicherla” [email protected]

try like this if still any issue paste ur controler and view files

@industrydetails =
@industrydetails.IndType = params[:industry]


again i am getting the Same error…e.i

undefined method `IndType=’ for #

i can’t understand wat to do…plese hepl me anydoby

thanking you

On Jun 23, 2:56 pm, “bala kishore pulicherla” [email protected]


again i am getting the Same error…e.i

undefined method `IndType=’ for #

i can’t understand wat to do…plese hepl me anydoby

thanking you

On Jun 23, 2:56 pm, “bala kishore pulicherla” [email protected]