Insert data into a form - Noob question, Please help

I am new to ruby, I am trying to populate data into a form using a set
of variables in nested loops

For i in 1…2 do
project = @blah.create(:project, :blah =>…

The above is just a spinet, but works fine

For j in 1…4 do
owner = [“tim”, “alice”, “candy”]
status = [“new”, “current”, “out_of_date”, “banned”]
contact = @contact.create(:contact, :owner => owner, :status =>
status, :project = project)

If I add:
current_owner = owner[(j-1) % owner.size] it just uses the first
variable over and over again

What I am trying to accomplish:
Create two new projects
For each project I am creating 4 new forms
For each form I want to rotate through the variables for owner and
status. If I reach the end of a list of variables (only 3 for owners). I
want it to repeat through the list.

The other scenario:

For i in 1…10 do
project = @blah.create(:project, :blah =>…

For j in 1…4 do
owner = [“tim”, “alice”, “candy”]
status = [“new”, “current”, “out_of_date”, “banned”]
contact = @contact.create(:contact, :owner => owner, :status =>

QUESTION: By having more projects than data for owners? do I have to do
anything special to ensure it continues to loop through owner and status
until i is done?

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Dina W. [email protected] wrote:

status = [“new”, “current”, “out_of_date”, “banned”]
contact = @contact.create(:contact, :owner => owner, :status =>
status, :project = project)

If I add:
current_owner = owner[(j-1) % owner.size] it just uses the first
variable over and over again

Did you also update the hash where you specify who is the owner?
to consider: in the above code, you pass an Array here, but now that you
have selected a desired owner, you have a String. Since I don’t know
code you are working with, I can’t check for you that this is

Also, if you iterate over 0…3, then you don’t have to subtract 1 from
Also, I think you might be expecting that to iterate over 1,2,3 but two
is inclusive, so 1…4 will iterate over 1,2,3,4 I suspect you actually
0…2 or, using three dots, which is exclusive, 0…3 either of which
iterate over 0,1,2, and then you won’t have to subtract 1 from i before
mod it.


QUESTION: By having more projects than data for owners? do I have to do
anything special to ensure it continues to loop through owner and status
until i is done?

Right now, it is not iterating through status at all (it passes the
status array each time). With your above method of selecting an owner,
does iterate through owner (though possibly incorrectly), and that is
on the value of j, which is reset for each project. So assuming you are
with that, then no, you do not need to do anything special.