I have to objects with common functionalities and a lot of difference.
So I want that each have his own table but inherit the common
functionalities from a parent class. How can I do this in Rails ?
I have to objects with common functionalities and a lot of difference. So I want
that each have his own table but inherit the common functionalities from a parent
class. How can I do this in Rails ?
Polymorphic association might be the way to go…
See the docs for more…
How about just creating your own module and including that in your
module CommonMethods
def all_get_this_method
require ‘common_methods’
class Company < Active::Record::Base
include Commonmethods
module Yourapp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
Matias F. wrote in post #959653:
I have to objects with common functionalities and a lot of difference.
So I want that each have his own table but inherit the common
functionalities from a parent class. How can I do this in Rails ?
class GenericModel < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
define all the ‘common’ methods you want in this class
(including the default behaviors for common methods)
I use methods in this class for providing all my cache
fragment management functionality, rendering model instances
to PDFs, etc, etc
class Person < GenericModel
person-specific methods, and overrides of common methods
from GenericModel
class Address < GenericModel
address-specific methods, and overrides of common methods
from GenericModel
It sounds like you may want to use Multiple Table Inheritance in this
case. I was looking to set up something similar a while back and came
across this article:
Hope that helps you out!