Inexplicable routing problem

somehow I broke my RESTful edit action and can’t figure out how.

map.resources :posts

when I open


the action_name is ‘edit 10’ rather than ‘edit’

and if I hit reload or try to edit another post, I get

No action responded to edit 10

Can someone give me a clue what could be happening here?

can you test it :
map.edit ‘posts/:action/:id’, :controller => ‘post’, :action => ‘edit’


map.edit ‘posts/:action’,
:controller => ‘post’, :action => ‘edit’,
:requirements => { :id => /\d+/},
:id => nil

when I open


it is the same like :
map.edit ‘posts/:id/:action’, :controller => ‘post’, :action => ‘edit’

the action_name is ‘edit 10’ rather than ‘edit’

Are you sure that the :action => “edit 10” not :action => “edit_10” ?

No action responded to edit 10

Is 10 id?



yikes, it tunrs out I had a piece of code in my helper where I did

str = controller.action_name << ’ ’ << …

instead of

str = controller.action_name + ’ ’ + …
str = “#{controller.action_name} …”

D’OH! I knew it was something trivial and stupid.

On Apr 18, 10:35 pm, Visit Indonesia 2008 <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-