Inet_addr inet_ntoa

Hi All,

I tried looking up answers for this with little success…any help is
appreciated, bear with my newness to Ruby.

The application I am working on can store ip addresses in a DB. They are
accessed by different platforms so the plan is to store IPs in network
order and display as host order.

I cannot find the following routines in ruby land to aid with the

inet_addr - to store the IP as network ordered
inet_ntoa - to retrieve the IP as host ordered

How do people deal with these conversions? I assume dealing with Endian
issues affects several of you folks?

Any help is greatly appreciated…sorry if this has been covered before.



On 5/30/07, Rick F. [email protected] wrote:

I cannot find the following routines in ruby land to aid with the

inet_addr - to store the IP as network ordered

You can get the ip in network order using Socket.gethostbyname

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 03:17:57AM +0900, Rick F. wrote:


inet_addr - to store the IP as network ordered
inet_ntoa - to retrieve the IP as host ordered

How do people deal with these conversions? I assume dealing with Endian
issues affects several of you folks?

Any help is greatly appreciated…sorry if this has been covered before.

Look at:

ri Array#pack
ri String#unpack

In particular, conversion “N” will pack as four bytes in network order