Incorrect yaml?

Here’s a simple yaml output from the Ruby to_yaml method:
sample = { ‘foo’ => %w[ a b c ] }
puts sample.to_yaml

Here’s a simple yaml output from the Ruby to_yaml method:
sample = { ‘foo’ => %w[ a b c ] }
puts sample.to_yaml


This does not load in to the yaml module in Perl (changed to a
one-liner for brevity):
ruby -ryaml -e ‘puts ({%{foo} => %w[a b c]}).to_yaml’ | perl -MYAML
-0777 -e ‘YAML::Load(<>)’
YAML Error: Invalid element in map
Line: 3

Converting a similar structure using Perl produces yaml with the list
indented. My question is: which implementation is correct? Should the
a,b,c list be indented? The Ruby output is read properly by Ruby, but
not Perl. The Perl output is read properly by both.

I’ve dug thru the spec, but can’t find any reference that
tells me which is correct…

Using Redhat Enterprise Linux 4, ruby 1.8.5, perl 5.8.8 w/ 0.62

Here’s a simple yaml output from the Ruby to_yaml method:
sample = { ‘foo’ => %w[ a b c ] }
puts sample.to_yaml

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require ‘yaml’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> sample = {‘foo’ => %w[a b c]}
=> {“foo”=>[“a”, “b”, “c”]}
irb(main):003:0> puts sample.to_yaml


  • a
  • b
  • c
    => nil
    irb(main):004:0> sample.to_yaml
    => “— \nfoo: \n- a\n- b\n- c\n”


Rimantas, please see my second post. First one got cut off…

Ahh… Thanks, why… That’s exactly the information I was looking
for. I’ll try YAML::Syck. -dan

On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 06:37:20AM +0900, Dan K. wrote:

a,b,c list be indented? The Ruby output is read properly by Ruby, but
not Perl. The Perl output is read properly by both.

Ruby’s YAML support is further along than The YAML
generated by Ruby’s YAML module is correct for YAML 1.0.
just doesn’t know how to parse it. See example 4.19 in the spec[1].

You might try Audrey Tang’s YAML::Syck[2], which uses the same backend
as Ruby, thus is more likely to play nice with each other.

Signed with a very pricey horsehair brush,


[2] YAML-Syck-1.34 - Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper -