Inconsistent result of #sum

For some reason the following two queries return different results

Where there is only one activity record and price is 3.63 and quantity
16.19, the following codes return results of different rounding.

sum(“CEIL(activities.quantity/60) * 60 / 3600 *


sum(“CEIL(activities.quantity/60) * 60 / 3600 * activities.price *

“58.806” # this is the correct one

I have checked the raw sql and both return 58.806.

I believe this is a bug for the sum method.

sum(“CEIL(activities.quantity/60) * 60 / 3600 * activities.price * 1”).to_s

0 < 16.19 / 60 ≤ 1

so the ceiling of that should be 1

1 * 60.0 / 3600 * 3.63 == 0.0605

so unless you also have a bug in your CEIL() function, I don’t see how
the problem can be in the sum()

what are you really doing?
