Hi all,
I’m fairly sure I’m a long way down the path of madness with this one.
Please bare with me. I’ve been on this for some time now.
I’ve been trying to work out the order in which items appear in
“SomeClass::ancestors”. I thought I had it before:
[SomeClass, SomeClass’sIncludedModules…, SuperClass,
SuperClass’sIncludedModules, SuperSuperClass, …]
I constructed a test case:
$ ruby -e ‘module M; end; module N; end; class A; include M; end; class
B <
A; include N; end; p B.ancestors’
[B, N, A, M, Object, Kernel]
This is the expected result! But then I wondered… what if we included
something in `M’? It shouldn’t appear according to my theory here, since
is not included by SomeClass itself. But, sure enough, it does appear.
(which makes sense!)
The reason I presumed this is because if I include a module in Kernel,
won’t appear in the list of any Class’s ancestors, yet it will appear in
$ ruby -e ‘module A; end; module Kernel; include A; end; class C; end; p
C.ancestors; p Kernel.ancestors’
[C, Object, Kernel]
[Kernel, A]
This confused me slightly, since it goes directly against what we
with this:
$ ruby -e ‘module A; end; module B; include A; end; class C; include B;
class D < C; end; p D.ancestors’
[D, C, B, A, Object, Kernel]
… that is, the modules included by a superclass’s included module
in the ancestors list. In the previous example, Object (superclass of C)
includes Kernel, and we don’t see Kernel’s included A. Here, C
of D) includes B, yet we also see A. So, that proves that theory wrong.
In frustation, and in trying to work this out, my test case became
and larger… I think this provides about all the useful data we could
$ ruby -e ‘module M; end; module N; end; module O; end; module P; end;
module Q; end; module R; include Q; end; module M; include O; end;
Kernel; include P; end; class Object; include R; end; class A; include
end; class B < A; include N; end; p B::ancestors’
[B, N, A, M, O, Object, R, Q, Kernel]
modules M, N, O, P, Q, R.
M includes O
Object includes R, R includes Q
Kernel includes P
class A includes M
class B derives from A, includes N
To start, [B, N, A …] shows that the included items are first, followed
the superclass.
[… A, M, O, Object …] continues to demonstrate this, and also tells us
that included items also have their included items. [M’s O] Object is
[… Object, R, Q, Kernel …] agrees with the above results, showing that
Object’s included R is there, and R’s included Q, and the Object’s
Kernel …
[… Kernel] then ruins things little, since Kernel’s included P never
I have a feeling Kernel’s already being included by something (or it
deriving from something-or-other) – I have no idea, really – has
to do with this. What interests me also is that Kernel::ancestors in
test does return [Kernel, P].
This ended up being quite long and drawn out, and I hope this interested
you, or that you may have some advice.