#removed_email_address@domain.invalid is in the string test12 which is a string of email
addresses #separated by newline characters
#puts test12 prints out very nice listing of all email addresses on a
separate #line including the aforementioned [email protected]
#I tried it with a test13 object in which I “slice!”(ed) everything out
#according to /[A-Za-z0-9_.%@-]+ / but I got the same results and puts
test13 #basically shows the same as test12 with the newline characters
removed which #was what I expected.
if(test12.include? “person@coge”) then
puts “person@coge found”
puts “person@coge not found”
------> Outputs -----> ‘person@coge found’
if(test12.include? “person@cogec”) then
puts “person@cogec found”
puts “person@cogec not found”
------->Outputs -------> ‘person@cogec not found’
This is so bizarre I can’t explain it… I even tried splicing out all
newline characters etc and I still get the same results. As soon as I
get to the second ‘c’ in cogec the string is not found in test12. Of
course my goal is to be able to find ‘[email protected]’ in the string
test12 since it is in the string test12.
(please note that I’ve changed the original email address to person in
order to protect privacy)
Please let me know if there is a solution to this problem or if you have
any ideas.
thanks in advance,