In `include': wrong argument type Class?

i did something like :

module ManPage

class Page
include ManPage

attr_accessor :manpath,:section,:page,:count,:key

def initialize(manpath,section,page)


using that from another script:

require ‘man_rep/manpage’ #requires the file where are the module
ManPage and the class Page

include ManPage

and the error come in this line (just above) ?

why ? what did i misunderstood ?

the purpose of the “module” is only to get the two arrays MANPATH and
MANSEC common to both the class Page and any script using this class

i should mention, the script itself is a cgi script working under
mod_ruby (Apache2).

Une Bévue [email protected] wrote:

why ?

it was a caching problem, restarting the server did the trick…