I’m trying to write a code which tells me the number of inverted pairs
in an array of numbers so that an array like [4,9,6,3,7] will have 9,6
as one inversion, 6,3 as another inversion, but 4,9 won’t be inverted
cos when counting from 1 to infinity, 4 comes before 9… my code gives
me the error of "6:in ‘>’: Comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
(ArgumentError) and here’s the code
1 array=[8,4,2,5,6,9,7,1,3,10]
2 startnum=0
3 nextnum=1
4 count=0
5 while array[startnum] != array[8]
6 if array[startnum] > array[nextnum]
7 count=count+1
8 nextnum=nextnum+1
9 if array[nextnum] == array[9]
10 startnum=startnum+1
11 nextnum=startnum+1
12 end
13 else
14 nextnum=nextnum+1
15 if array[nextnum] == array[9]
16 startnum=startnum+1
17 end
18 end
19 end
21 puts count
how do I fix this?