I’m trying to do a find that includes a join. It has to be a find
because I’m using the results for a Pagination, so I need to limit my
query to the number of results I want to display per page.
Here’s the type of thing I want to do:
Employee table <-> Skills_Employees table <-> Skills table
Let’s say I want to find all the employees who have skill with ID = 3
The actual SQL might be:
SELECT * FROM employee, employees_skills es
es.employee_id = employee.id
es.skill_id = 3
In Rails, I figured out that the right way to do that may be:
employees = Employee.find(
:include => :skills,
:conditions => [“skill_id = ?”,3]
– and it works. The SQL in development.log looks correct (if verbose):
SELECT employees.id
AS t0_r0, employees.title
AS t0_r1,
AS t0_r2, employees.picture_url
AS t0_r3,
AS t0_r4, employees.available
AS t0_r5,
AS t0_r6, employees.comments
AS t0_r7,
AS t0_r9, employees.last_update
AS t0_r10,
AS t0_r11, employees.is_deleted
AS t0_r12,
AS t0_r13, skills.id
AS t1_r0,
AS t1_r1, skills.name
AS t1_r2, skills.desc_short
AS t1_r3 FROM employees LEFT OUTER JOIN skills_employees ON
skills_employees.recipe_id = employees.id LEFT OUTER JOIN skills ON
skills.id = skills_employees.skill_id WHERE (skill_id = 3)
But remember, I want to use this in a Pagination scenario, and that’ll
require :offset and :limit. Let’s add them in as a test.
employees = Employee.find(
:limit => 10,
:offset => 1
:include => :skills,
:conditions => [“skill_id = ?”,3]
WHAMMO! I get hit with this:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column
‘skill_id’ in ‘where clause’: SELECT id FROM employees WHERE (skill_id =
3) LIMIT 1, 10
What gives? I’m obviously a newb and may very well have misunderstood
the purpose of :include, but the fact that it does exactly what I want
it to do (without :limit and :offset) implies otherwise. The moment I
add in a :limit, then ActiveRecord seems to forget about the
Am I approaching this the wrong way?