Importing many 'dirty' .csv records..what approach is best?

I am tasked with importing many .csv files into an application that
has a ‘scoped’ database that services many distinct customers. I’m
sure it comes as no surprise that many of these will be damaged in
some way with spurious data :slight_smile:
Initially, I’m using FasterCSV in a dbmigrate file to become more
familiar with this task.

Here is an example of how I’m approaching this;

class ImportAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
FasterCSV.foreach(“D:/Rails/assets/convert/assets.csv”) do |row|
c =
c.asset = row[0] # 0
c.description = row[1] # 1
c.location = row[2] # 2
n += 1
d =
d.converttable = ‘Asset’
d.keystring = row[0]
d.message = ‘Asset Record Failed to convert’
d += 1
d.recno = d

I find that regardless of the errors in the incoming .csv file, I’m
unable to get my logic to branch and save the errors to a ‘badboys’
exception table.
Firstly, does anyone in our group have to deal with this type of
situation…do you use a controller approach of some sort or do you
load the details for each new customers’ data by adding one more
dbmigrate file?
Why am I not able to create a ‘badboy’ record when my incoming record
doesn’t save?
I am grateful for any links or suggestions.
Thank you,

On 27 Apr 2008, at 17:54, [email protected] wrote:

class ImportAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration
d =
d.converttable = ‘Asset’
d.keystring = row[0]
d.message = ‘Asset Record Failed to convert’
d += 1
There’s something fishy here probably partly as a result of using
nondescript variable names like n,c,d
You’re using d both for some sort of counter and also for your new
instance of Badboy


Thanks for the observation. I made that change you mentioned but it
has no bearing on the issue as the program logic never got down to the
Badboy area.
Still hoping for some suggestion?

On Apr 27, 11:00 am, Frederick C. [email protected]

On Sun, 2008-04-27 at 09:54 -0700, [email protected] wrote:

def self.up
d =

I find that regardless of the errors in the incoming .csv file, I’m
unable to get my logic to branch and save the errors to a ‘badboys’
exception table.
Firstly, does anyone in our group have to deal with this type of
situation…do you use a controller approach of some sort or do you
load the details for each new customers’ data by adding one more
dbmigrate file?
Why am I not able to create a ‘badboy’ record when my incoming record
doesn’t save?
I am grateful for any links or suggestions.

shouldn’t you be using begin/rescue to capture errors?


The code looks ok, (with the exception mentioned by Fred)
Are there any validations on Badboy that may prevent saving? (only thing
I could imagine that could go wrong here). Main suspect is “keystring”,
which gets data, that just made Asset fail.
I guess, that there must be some validations on Assets, since you expect
them to fail on save.

Otherwise I would debug the thing (or use the log) and see, where it
ends up after the Asset save. Does it run the Badboy part at all and
fails saving or does it never reach it?

On 27 Apr 2008, at 21:50, [email protected] wrote:

Thanks for the observation. I made that change you mentioned but it
has no bearing on the issue as the program logic never got down to the
Badboy area.
Still hoping for some suggestion?
Does ever return false (ie do you have validations on it?)?
Have you tried stepping through this in the debugger to see what’s up?
