Importing config files

Hi everyone,
I am writing a program for my research that uses configuration files.
I was curious how to import these files into my ruby program. Any help
would be appreciated. If it helps, I am running ruby 1.9.


What kind of configuration files? What format are they in? YAML, XML?

Well, I am not too educated in configuration files. I was going to just
write it in ruby (thats the language I am working in). The
configuration file is being used to specify intervals in time. My
project is generating a report for SysAdmins and this will allow them to
specify the interval at which they want the reports to be compared.
Getting back to the main problem, I had thought it was either “require”
or “include”, but both of those proved fruitless. Hope this info helps.


If you could include a sample of the files’ contents, it would be
require is used to access ruby libraries. What you are looking for is
File class.
For example‘config.txt’).each do |line|
puts line

will spit out each line of a file.

On 04/09/2010 03:53 AM, Derril L. wrote:

Well, I am not too educated in configuration files. I was going to just
write it in ruby (thats the language I am working in). The
configuration file is being used to specify intervals in time. My
project is generating a report for SysAdmins and this will allow them to
specify the interval at which they want the reports to be compared.
Getting back to the main problem, I had thought it was either “require”
or “include”, but both of those proved fruitless. Hope this info helps.

The simples approach is to use “load”:

load File.join(ENV[‘HOME’], ‘.myconfrc’)

file ~/.myconfrc:

$interval = 15

Kind regards
