ImportError on make check

Hi everybody,

I just cant figure this out, so I have to ask here: I am creating a
custom block, but when running “make check”, I get an ImportError. A
small part of the output of make check is included below, and the
complete source of the module is available here:

make[4]: Entering directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 4, in ?
import gr_gnss
line 6, in ?
import _gr_gnss
undefined symbol: _ZN17gr_gnss_ca_sourceD1Ev
FAIL: run_tests

I would love to get some feedback on this, because I am lost. Thank
you for your time!

Trond D.

Trond D. wrote:

undefined symbol: _ZN17gr_gnss_ca_sourceD1Ev

This looks like the mangled name of the destructor method for the
gr_gnss_ca_source class. Do you have this in the class declaration in
the .h file and then defined in the .cc file somewhere?


You can Google on “virtual destructor” for info about why this is
needed, it’s a C++ thing, not specific to GNU Radio.

Johnathan C.
Corgan Enterprises LLC

2007/1/31, Johnathan C. [email protected]:


You can Google on “virtual destructor” for info about why this is
needed, it’s a C++ thing, not specific to GNU Radio.

/me is embarrassed… I should have known that it was something like
that. I know my way around C, but C++ is fairly new to me. But thank
you for taking the time and helping me!

Trond D.

Johnathan C. wrote:

This looks like the mangled name of the destructor method for the
gr_gnss_ca_source class. Do you have this in the class declaration in
the .h file and then defined in the .cc file somewhere?


Er, that would be


…with the tilde indicating the destructor.
