ImportError: cannot import name channels


I am getting the following error

ImportError: cannot import name channels… when I run a python script.

I added the following line to a code

from gnuradio import channels

First I made a simulation model using gnuradio-companion and started
making changes to the code…
Basically I want to add a fading channel model to my simulation and cant
find a fading channel model block which has a doppler shift variable in
gnuradio-companion. So I am trying to add it by editing the code.
How can I fix this error.

If I comment out the line “from gnuradio import channel” I get the
following errors

Error: failed to enable realtime scheduling
USing Volk machine: sse3_64_orc
Traceback(most recent call last):
File “”, line 127, in
tb= top_block()
File “” , line 69, in_init_
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘fading model’

I am using Vsphere client to log onto a server and use virtual ubuntu.
