[IMPORTANT] Implement all accepted features ASAP

Japanese later; $BF|K\8l$O$"$H$G(B


I tell you the upcoming events of this year.

  • 2.0.0-preview2 release at 1 Dec.
  • code freeze around Christmas time.

I ask all committers:

  • Please commit the accepted features (which are assigned to you)
    as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the month.
  • If you cannot finish, make sure to let me know in advance, i.e.,
    by the end of month. Even before code freeze, I’ll reject any
    new feature implementation that I don’t know in advance. Of
    course, I’ll postpone all new features after code freeze.

I ask all proposers of accepted features:

  • Please press the committer that is assigned to your proposal ticket.


  • 12/1 $B$K(B 2.0.0-preview2 $B%j%j!<%9(B
  • $B%/%j%9%^%9:"$K(B code freeze


  • accept $B:Q$N(B feature
  • $B=*$($i$l$J$$>l9g$O$=$N;]$r:#7nCf$K!";d$K3N<B$KEA$($F$/$@$5$$!#(B
    code freeze $BA0$G$b!";vA0$KCN$i$5$l$F$$$J$+$C$??75!G=<BAu$O%"%&%H$H(B
    $B$7$^$9!#$b$A$m$s!"(Bcode freeze $B$r2a$.$?$i$9$Y$F%"%&%H$G$9!#(B

accept $B:Q$_5!G=$NDs0F<T$K$O0J2<$r$*4j$$$7$^$9!#(B

  • $BDs0F%A%1%C%H$NC4Ev<T$K$J$C$F$$$k%3%_%C%?$K:EB%$7$F$/$@$5$$!#(B

From marketing side … If the date could be moved to 7th Dec,
it might become good topic for RubyConf in Taiwan :wink:

$B$3$s$I$3$=4pD49V1i$G4V0c$($J$$$GM_$7$$$G$9$M(B :stuck_out_tongue:

Ayumu A.

Japanese later; $BF|K\8l$O$"$H$G(B

Sorry for my annoying “set to next minor” spam flood!
I have marked all accepted (I guessed) feature tickets as target
2.0.0. If there is another ticket that is accepted but not marked
as 2.0.0, let me know before preview2 (scheduled at 1 Dec.).

We are planning to include these features in 2.0.0, though these
still require work. We will drop them from 2.0.0 unless they are
committed by code freeze (scheduled around Christmas).

Ko1 has too many and heavy tasks. A volunteer is very welcome for
helping him.
It is a shame that many tickets are postponed just because the
assigned committer didn’t reply. They should sincerely repent
their silence.

$B]5F+$7$$(B “set to next minor”
accepted $B$H;W$o$l$k(B feature ticket $B$rA4It(B target 2.0.0
accepted $B$J$N$K(B 2.0.0 $B$K$J$C$F$$$J$$%A%1%C%H$,$"$C$?$i(B preview2
$B%j%j!<%9(B (12/1 $B$NM=Dj(B) $B$NA0$K65$($F$/$@$5$$!#(B

$B$3$l$i$N5!G=$O(B 2.0.0
$B%3!<%I%U%j!<%:(B ($B%/%j%9%^%9$4$m$rM=Dj(B)
2.0.0 $B$+$i$O30$7$^$9!#(B


2012/11/5 Yusuke E. [email protected]: