Implementing password confirmation


I’m using the latest version of RoR. I’m having a problem with
passwords and password confirmations. I have a db table and
corresponding model – customer with a password field (but no password
confirmation field in the table). Here is the simple customer model

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subscriber

    validates_confirmation_of :password


Here is part of the view where I’m asking for a password and password

<%= password_field 'customer', 'password' %>

Confirm Password
<%= password_field 'password_confirmation', '' %>

However, even if the passwords don’t match, the script allows me to
submit and save the customer. What is missing from the above?

Thanks, - Dave

<%= password_field 'customer', 'password' %>

Confirm Password
<%= password_field 'password_confirmation', '' %>

The second password_field looks bogus, check out the example at:

Thanks, but I guess because of my beginner-ness, I’m still confused.
What should the second password_field look like in order to not be
bogus? The link you sent doesn’t have an example of what it should
look like on the view end.

  • Dave

On Jan 17, 2:48 pm, Sven S. [email protected]