Images, stylesheets and scripts - OH MY!

Hello all.

have been playing with radiant for the last couple of days. And
although I have NO formal training/schooling in web application
devlopment I have found it relatively easy to get it installed and
working. I have a pretty good grasp of the admin interface and logic
behind pages, snippets and layouts. I was also able to figure out how
to insert images by putting the images into the public/images
directory and refering to them there throught xhtml.

Please forgive me as I am only a designer and a total newbie to
rails, but one thing does confuse me. I am aware that john and all
the other contributors are developing a system for uploading ‘assets’
like scripts, images and flash through the admin interface. But if I
want to add those elements now how would I go about it?

For instance, If I had more than one css stylesheet that I would like
to use how do I refer to it? Do i just put it in the public/
stylesheets directory and refer to it there through the xhtml? Or do
I create a new layout AND a new Page with css via the admin interface?

The same for javascripts… it seems logical to put them in the
javascript folder and just refer to them from the xhtml. How about
for swf’s? I searched all over the radiant mailing list archives and
google and I really couldnt find anything.

What is the official recommendation then to add stylesheets,
javascritps, swf’s and images to radiant websites?



Items that are text, like javascripts or CSS stylesheets can be created
regular pages. If you installed it with one of the premade sites,
get the Stylesheet layout for free, which just dumps the content and
the content-type as text/css. If not, it’s easy to create them, just
sure to click “More”, and set the appropriate content-type.

As for images and Flash files, until their patch/upgrade comes through,
you’ll have to manually upload them into the public/ directory, either
public/images/ or a directory of your choosing.
