Images not displaying

I am putting images in public/images folder, and stored the image name
in my
table column imageURL. When I am calling books.imageURL, no images are
getting displayed. Do i need to configure something else?


Pragati Agarwal wrote:

I am putting images in public/images folder, and stored the image name
in my
table column imageURL. When I am calling books.imageURL, no images are
getting displayed. Do i need to configure something else?


how are you uploading the pictures? what is stored in imageURL? a full
it will need to eventually look something like this

<%= image_tag books.imageURL %>

either way, your problem is pretty vague as there isn’t enough
information about what you are using / code … maybe worth posting a
little more info

Shai R. wrote:

Pragati Agarwal wrote:

I am putting images in public/images folder, and stored the image name
in my
table column imageURL. When I am calling books.imageURL, no images are
getting displayed. Do i need to configure something else?


how are you uploading the pictures? what is stored in imageURL? a full
it will need to eventually look something like this

<%= image_tag books.imageURL %>

either way, your problem is pretty vague as there isn’t enough
information about what you are using / code … maybe worth posting a
little more info

Also, including the generated html from the problem line in the rhtml
file is usually a good diagnostic.

Thanks alot for the prompt replies. I got the solution.

Was to mention the complete path in the imageURL viz., /images/pogo.png
