Image_voodoo and attachment_fu

I’m running into an error with image_voodoo 0.4 and attachment_fu, it
doesn’t appear to be creating any thumbnails. No error
messages…except on
the view page where the public_filename is coming up nil. Any ideas as
where to start debugging this? Same thing runs okay in MRI, trying to
it to JRuby.

-Matt McKnight-
LMN Solutions, Inc.
703 539 5867
[email protected]

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Matthew McKnight
[email protected] wrote:

I’m running into an error with image_voodoo 0.4 and attachment_fu, it
doesn’t appear to be creating any thumbnails. No error messages…except on
the view page where the public_filename is coming up nil. Any ideas as to
where to start debugging this? Same thing runs okay in MRI, trying to move
it to JRuby.

We had this problem too, and it should be fixed in 0.4. The relevant
commit is here:;a=commit;h=dbcd18957b97eaf74c05747b70baf1acd0c79ada

To debug, I’d suggest going into the #with_image method and making
sure it’s not swallowing any exceptions; that’s what was preventing us
from generating thumbnails.


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Extract the image_voodoo/science commands you are using from the rails
app and make sure the methods are working properly. Unfortunately I
had caused some regressions that I thought I corrected for 0.4.
Perhaps I missed something


On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Matthew McKnight
[email protected] wrote:

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Solution for me was to override the full_filename method of
and to use a path that didn’t begin with a slash. full_filename
defaults to
using RAILS_ROOT as the base directory. Not sure why it was hard for me
figure out, but ultimately an easy fix.

def full_filename(thumbnail = nil)
file_system_path = (thumbnail ? thumbnail_class :
#originally was
#File.join(RAILS_ROOT, file_system_path,

and then use this for path prefix
has_attachment :path_prefix => “…/…/…/…/attachments”,
:thumbnails => { :tiny => ‘x50’,
:small => ‘x100’,
:medium => ‘x200’,
:large => ‘x400’ }

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Matthew McKnight

I discovered that the issue is really due to attachment_fu alone, and
ImageVoodoo. The issue is that it isn’t able to write to specific
directories outside of the WEB-INF directory with the path_prefix
This is something of a problem as that directory gets destroyed every
time I
deploy. I am considering moving to the :db_file storage option instead.
Any other ideas out there?

-Matt McKnight-
LMN Solutions, Inc.
703 539 5867
[email protected]