I have some images stored in the database and am attempting to build a
img link to them. I would prefer to use a syntax that doesn’t restrict
me to a hard coded path, something like this:
<%= image_tag(url_for(:controller => ‘member_pics’,
:action => ‘show’,
:id => member_pic.id),
:alt => member_pic.member.full_name,
:size => “150x150”) %>
However rails appends a .png automatically to my path so that the
functional path “/member_pics/show/4” becomes the disfunctional path
Is there a way to disable the magic in this case (rails 0.13.1)? I have
worked around the issue for now by building up the img tag myself …
<img src="<%= url_for :controller => 'member_pics', :action =>
‘show’, :id => member_pic.id %>" alt="<%= member_pic.member.full_name
%>" height=“150” width=“150”>