Image manipulation on the fly

Let say i have rails.png file in my public/image directory and its
size is 100X100. Now my question is how can i display this image with
size say 200X200 in my view file. And i don’t want to store any other
image rails.png of size 100X100.

Dear all,
I used to display image of different size from a single image
source using gd image manipulation in PHP . eg:

to show image of max height 100 and max width 100 from image of any
size “image1.jpg”

I am having problem to do the same thing on ruby on rails.

Will you not mind giving me the example using RMagick or any other.

Mr. Bless wrote:

Let say i have rails.png file in my public/image directory and its
size is 100X100. Now my question is how can i display this image with
size say 200X200 in my view file. And i don’t want to store any other
image rails.png of size 100X100.

You can expand by setting the size in the html to larger, or I suppose
use rmagick or mini_magick.