I’m trying to write a script that lists ONLY the keys in a hash as
follows: http://pastie.org/private/1ruahb5w05ihsloqwmqeng
The case is that when I run the script, I get the following:
NameAbder-Rahman A.
While, I’m intending to get
What am I missing in the script?
On Tuesday 13 July 2010, Abder-rahman Ali wrote:
|What am I missing in the script?
As you can see from the documentation (for example, with ri Hash#each),
Hash#each yields two arguments to the block: the key and the
value. Since your block only takes one argument, ruby puts both in an
whose to_s method produces a string with the two elements one after the
If you only want the key, you can use each_key rather than each, since
will only pass the block the keys:
personal_information.each_key{|k| puts k}
If you want to use each (but you don’t need to in your example), you can
the block take two parameters and only use the first (the key):
personal_information.each{|key, val| puts key}
or have the block take a single argument (which will be an array) and
use only
the first entry of the array
personal_information.each{|i| puts i[0]}
I hope this helps
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Abder-rahman Ali
[email protected] wrote:
What am I missing in the script?
the fun
personal_information.each {|key| p key}
[“Name”, “Abder-Rahman A.”]
[“Age”, “26”]
personal_information.each {|key| p key.first}
personal_information.each_key {|key| p key}
personal_information.each_value {|key| p key}
“Abder-Rahman A.”
personal_information.each {|key,value| p key}
personal_information.each {|key,value| p value}
“Abder-Rahman A.”
kind regards -botp
Thanks a lot all for your replies. It really helps.
If you want the keys only you can do this
“personal_information.keys.each do |key|” or
“personal_information.each_key do |key|”
This, however, “personal_information.each do |key|” returns each
element of the hash as an array in the form [key, value]
Look here for the documentation (
class Hash - RDoc Documentation ), in fact this should
be the first place you look when you have a problem.