Ignore a route?

Is it possible to have rails ignore a given route?

http://mysite.com # => This is my rails app
http://mysite.com/blog # => This is my wordpress blog

Can I map a route so that rails will ignore, or not handle, the blog

My 2 solutions are:

  1. Move the app to a subdomain
  2. Move the app into a subdrectory

One of these will work, but out of curiosity, the question stands.

Exactly the question I had in mind. I have my site and blog running
PHP and Wordpress. Only my site is being turned into RoR, blog will
remain as it is. It’s important to maintain all links as it is. As is
written on Hostgator support page:
you have to create the .htaccess file and do the routing from there:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cpanel/.*
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mydomain.com [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /myapp/$1 [L,QSA]

I haven’t dealt with this before, but I am assuming something like

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/blog/.* as in RewriteCond %
{REQUEST_URI} !^/cpanel/.* would work

I a yet to try it once ready. What do you think?

Is it possible to have rails ignore a given route?

Dunno, but by the time it’s gotten to Rails, even if Rails did ignore
what would happen? My guess is Rails would return a 404. It’s too late
to pass it back even if it knew how to do so.

http://mysite.com # => This is my rails app
http://mysite.com/blog # => This is my wordpress blog

Can I map a route so that rails will ignore, or not handle, the blog

My 2 solutions are:

  1. Move the app to a subdomain

Probably the simplest as it completely isolates them, but not strictly

  1. Move the app into a subdrectory

Doable. Configure your webserver (apache/litespeed/etc) to not pass
requests matching “/blog” on to rails, but to handle them however it
handle it normally.

One of these will work, but out of curiosity, the question stands.

Both will work as long as you configure it correctly.