Hi all, Ruby n00b here. Longtime Windows/.NET guy primarily.
Trying to get IronRuby and RoR up and running on Windows 7 x64 with
IIS7.5, with .NET 4.0 installed along with the IronRuby 1.0v4 release.
Running into the RubyGems igem update --system issue with the response
[BUG] invalid exec_format “ir”, no %s
I’ve seen Marcin Obel’s/Kevin R.'s fix:
I’ve tried it, but I still get the error. I’ve put that snippet in an
ironruby.rb under ruby\1.8, ruby\1.8\gems\rubygems\default,
site_ruby\1.8\gems\rubygems and site_ruby\1.8\rubygems\defaults, all to
no avail.
Am I missing something? Doing something obviously wrong?
I’d tried your version as well, same result. I’ll doublecheck now though
Yeah, I put it there, with your code Will, and still had the same result
I’m a little curious, IronRuby now ships with .NET 4.0 I believe, which
I have installed. Any chance I’m kicking off my explicitly-installed
igem but getting the wrong ir down the line? “where ir” seems to point
to the right ir.exe …
Forgive me for not being super knowledgeable about syntax, but what do I
need to pass it as a param for the rubygems package? I’ve downloaded
1.3.7 explicitly, but not sure what context to use ir -S in …
If you put the file I referenced in the correct location, you can then
ir -S gem update --system
After that, the gem and gem.bat files in %IronRubyRoot%\bin get
with the correct path to the correct interpreter (as will any scripts
installed by ruby gems AFTER this), so from then on, you can just: