If process.exist then . . .?

im trying to monitor a process, if this process is closed then i want to
write a time and date to a logfile…

i dont know how to do it but it should be as simple as this…

loop {
if process.exist(‘notepad.exe’) then
puts ‘notepad exist’

my_file = File.new(“c:\log.txt”, APPEND)
my_file.puts “here is the time add date, notepad has been killed”


Here is what i have so far… i have been playing with this for a while
now… im getting no were ,-(

require ‘rubygems’
require “win32/process”
require “sys/proctable”
include Sys

pids = []
ProcTable.ps{ |s|
pids.push(s.pid) if s.cmdline =~ /calc/


if calc exist # this is improper, so how do i make it proper?
puts ‘calc is running’
puts ‘calc not running’

Bigmac T. wrote:

pids.push(s.pid) if s.cmdline =~ /calc/


if pids.length.zero?
puts ‘calc not running’
puts ‘calc is running’

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:50 PM, steve [email protected] wrote:

if pids.length.zero?

if pids.empty?


pids = []
ProcTable.ps{ |s|
pids.push(s.pid) if s.cmdline =~ /calc/


How about this:

calc_is_running = ProcTable.ps.any? {|pinfo| pinfo.cmdline =~ /calc/ }

returns true or false

or if you need the pid of the process later on:

calc_processes = ProcTable.ps.select {|pinfo| pinfo.cmdline =~ /calc/ }

returns an array of matching processes

if calc_processes.empty? … else …


  • Lars