The following line acts differently under rdebug and ruby
if FILE == $0
FXRuby has the line, above, in nearly all its sample code.
Under rdebug, the value of $0 is, on my system,
ruby -rdebug UltraDedup.rb
then the value of $0 is
ruby UltraDedup.rb
then the value of $0 is
How can I change things so that
if FILE == $0
acts correctly in each environment?
$0 = The program you are running from the command line.
AKA you are running rdebug therefore $0 ==
Enter irb and console:
MANISH:jes [07-16 09:01] 0 501:1 (14.43 Mb) • ~
! irb
irb(main):001:0> $0
=> “irb”
Make sense?
On 7/16/10, Ralph S. [email protected] wrote:
The following line acts differently under rdebug and ruby
if FILE == $0
The name rdebug is ambiguous. Do you mean debug.rb, the debugger which
comes with ruby, or the ruby-debug gem? I suspect it’s the latter,
since I have encountered this same bug with it.
ruby UltraDedup.rb
then the value of $0 is
This is an unfortunate bug in ruby-debug. In general, ruby-debug has
more problems for me than debug.rb, so I usually jsut use debug.rb.
The reason to prefer ruby-debug is because it’s so much faster.
Sometimes, this becomes very important.
How can I change things so that
if FILE == $0
acts correctly in each environment?
I know of no really good solution. Typically, I manually set $0 to
FILE at the beginning of a debugging session to work around this
problem (cursing all the while). I think this command is guaranteed to
do it:
p $0=FILE
Tho with some versions of ruby-debug, I could leave off the p.