Ideas on a project or gem to develop


I’m a swedish university student (Masters) and this summer I will
not have an ordinary summer job, but instead work on some of my own
projects. These will probably not fill my time so now I want some ideas
a project to start or a gem to develop in Rails.

Do you have any service you’d like to see that you can make use of?
Any gem you’d like someone to develop that you think a lot of people

The main reason for this is to learn Ruby and Rails better, not to make
money. I’ve never developed a gem before and it’s always more fun to
something real and useful!

So, hit me with some nice ideas! :slight_smile:



What i do need would be a nice “HelpDesk” gem. I haven’t seen one that
i could just install it … and work …

I need it, so, i am gonna start coding… If there are any of you who
would like to share any ideas or work about this idea, I’d be happy to
listen your needs.

Linus, I hope i did not “steal” your topic, and i hope I’ve given you a
project idea, and i’d be happy to help.



If You develop a helpdesk in Rails, i will help you.

Somebody to develop a “Mantis On Rails”?

El domingo 8 de abril de 2012, Linus P. escribi:

Do you have any service you’d like to see that you can make use of?

On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:20 PM, Linus P. wrote:
The main reason for this is to learn Ruby and Rails better, not to make

will probably not fill my time so now I want some ideas for a project to
So, hit me with some nice ideas! :slight_smile:

Any gem you’d like someone to develop that you think a lot of people

For more options, visit this group at

Luis Miguel Cabezas Granado
I.T. Informtica de Sistemas
Programador PHP y Rails

am not sure if Linus has started to think on it but I will start soon to
develop that helpdesk support feature … I do not know Mantis (i mean
i haven’t worked with it) so, i don’t know it’s features, but what i
want to achieve is a gem that would be nice to have a ticketing section
for customer support and also kind of a wiki page something like:

Have a look and tell me if you’re willing to to help me with that.

However, i guess you might wanna see redmine project…


Thank you for your idea! Will keep that in mind.

Any other ideas?

Den torsdagen den 5:e april 2012 kl. 20:02:30 UTC+2 skrev Alexandru Emil

probably not fill my time so now I want some ideas for a project to start


Den torsdagen den 5:e april 2012 kl. 20:02:30 UTC+2 skrev Alexandru Emil

probably not fill my time so now I want some ideas for a project to start


Den torsdagen den 5:e april 2012 kl. 20:02:30 UTC+2 skrev Alexandru Emil

probably not fill my time so now I want some ideas for a project to start


Den torsdagen den 5:e april 2012 kl. 20:02:30 UTC+2 skrev Alexandru Emil

Could you explain this HelpDesk gem a bit more?

I work extensively with Remedy and Frontline products and am a core SME
for most BMC products. I started working on a HelpDesk web interface a
few months ago and am still combing through integration ideas. The only
difference my solution might add from others is that it will integrate
with LDAP and Windows Server platforms.

My company is primarily a windows shop.


I was thinking on HelpDesk gem that might have some features like :

  • Knowledge Base (when a client tries to submit a bug, when completing
    the subject field to be performed some queries against some kb articles
    table and try to locate an answer before the client submits the bug)
  • Ticketing system that would contain tickets grouped in departments ,
    customizable statuses and priorities.

Usually a ticket, has some certain properties like comments (where
assigned people can post their own comments), Audit logs, assigned
people, time invested and also multiple replies. A ticket could be sent
in 2 different ways : via email or via HTTP form, which would give us
some misc features like “multiple recipients for a single client”… Of
course to ease the work, the staff should be able to post predefined

Basically this gem (mountable engine) would be contained from 4
different parts

  1. a customizable frontend integration - bug submission and also
    helpdesk area
  2. a frontend (client secure area where the client should be able to
    see all his tickets with their statuses and replies)
  3. a staff area, where qualified personal could easily answer, comment
    and change stuff in user tickets
  4. an admin area where a super user could manage users, statuses,
    priorities and other stuff (like email parser settings and stuff )

Would be nice, but this might be a later feature where clients could
rate the helpdesk articles or staff members. From the management point
of view … some stats also could be nice (how many tickets have been
sent in a week, how many tickets are opened now, what are their statuses
or priorities, how many tickets have been closed in a period of time )
… etc

There are some rails ticketing systems:

GitHub - leesmith/ticket_mule: No frills, general use support ticket tracking. Easily document and communicate client relations within a support team. - edge branch is an attempt to
update the app to rails 3
GitHub - bigfolio/big-help: Open sourced version of a simple help ticket system that we use at BIG Folio and NextProof - no development noted
GitHub - redmine/redmine: Mirror of redmine code source - Official Subversion repository is at - contact: @vividtone or maeda (at) farend (dot) jp - is not what i am looking for

All the above systems have their own user management … which makes
hard to impossible to implement it in an already existent ecosystem.

Sorry for the wall of text …