Ideas for a JIT optimizer

Currently I am thinking that an optimizer that takes

class A
def one_thing
calls_another 3
def calls_another a

and converts it to C, such that one_thing calls another in c would be
a good JIT.

one_thing_in_c(VALUE self) {
return calls_another(NUM2FIX(3));

VALUE to_s = rb_intern(“to_s”);
VALUE calls_another(VALUE self, VALUE in) {
return rb_funcall(in, to_s);

Any thoughts on this? Ideas? Suggestions?
This seems to be the next step for ruby2cext (which almost does this,
but not quite).
Thanks much.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Roger P.[email protected]

and converts it to C, such that one_thing calls another in c would be
a good  JIT.

It would be one way to jit, but it would not allow for polymorphism
(multiple target types providing the same method) or any redefinition.
Nor would it easily allow for methods to be defined at runtime, so
you’d need to make sure both methods exist and choose to statically
bind them (setting that binding in stone) for all time. In this case,
where you’re doing a “self” call, as long as there’s no subclass and
no method changes at runtime, it’s probably ok. But of course you
don’t know if it will stay that way forever.

  • Charlie