Ideal setting of "fastcgi_buffers" with large files


For cases when large files are served via FastCGI, what might be the
ideal settings for the “fastcgi_buffers” directive, in order to prevent
the warning:
“an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file
/usr/local/nginx/fastcgi_temp/0/00/0000000000 while reading upstream” ?

For example, to prevent the warning when serving a 6144 kilobyte file,
which of the three methods would yield the best performance?

A large number of small buffers:
fastcgi_buffers 768 8k

A small number of large buffers:
fastcgi_buffers 8 768k

A near balance between the buffers and size:
fastcgi_buffers 64 96k

Or does it not matter which method is used?

Thanks for the help!

Posted at Nginx Forum:

w3wsrmn Wrote:

Or does it not matter which method is used?

Thanks for the help!

Did you get any answer for above question?
Would like to know!


Posted at Nginx Forum:

w3wsrmn wrote:

A small number of large buffers:
fastcgi_buffers 8 768k

A near balance between the buffers and size:
fastcgi_buffers 64 96k

Or does it not matter which method is used?
It would be better to tell nginx to serve the file rather than have an
upstream/fastcgi program serve it - nginx can generally handle many,
many more connections than your fast-cgi backend so try and make nginx
do as much of the work as possible.

Take a look at: - using this means
your PHP/fast-cgi thread can exit once it’s returned the header and then
move on to accept another connection.

Phillip B Oldham
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