IDE wars

I just stumbled across some IDE’s I never even knew about:
Web Based IDE | ShiftEdit

I know that there are others out there, but these are what I found
first. What’s remarkable here is the install process for these IDE’s is
quite different from what I’m (somewhat) familiar with: Netbeans and

These IDE’s are distributed either by gem or through the browser. Quite


These IDE’s are distributed either by gem or through the browser.
Quite interesting.

I don’t think anyone using Ruby needs an IDE.

But if there were an editor & IDE, I’d use an editor written in Ruby for
sure. Unfortunately none of them seems too useful to me so far, so I am
still using bluefish (!).

I’d like to write an editor in ruby-gtk one day, but I definitely know
that I won’t do this all alone due to lack of available time lately.