IDE Supporting Global Class List (Yes I searched)

Before I post this, I did search this site + google for the answer. I
know their has been a great deal of discussion regarding Ruby & IDE’s.

Having said that, what I am looking for an IDE that supports Global
Project Class views. Unless I am missing something, I have gone through
Net Beans, Komodo, Eclipse and a couple of others. Seems like this
should be standard unless I am missing something. Just was a list of the
classes in my project, is that to much to ask? :slight_smile:

Cheers and thanks.
Btw, I am new to Ruby coming from PHP. Been using PHPED for a while now
& really liked the IDE for php.

Lin Chat wrote:

Having said that, what I am looking for an IDE that supports Global
Project Class views.

Can you explain what you mean by a Global Project Class view. I am one
of the developers of Ruby in Steel and if we haven’t got this, I’d like
to know about it! :wink:

Do you mean you want to see all available classes? If so, we have the
Ruby Explorer which lets you view and navigate to all available classes
(when the classes are written in C, we navigate into the class
documentation - when they’re in Ruby, we go to the code).

If this is not what you mean, I’d be grateful if you could describe what
you are looking for.

best wishes
Huw C.

SapphireSteel Software
Ruby and Rails In Visual Studio

Huw C. wrote:

Lin Chat wrote:

Having said that, what I am looking for an IDE that supports Global
Project Class views.

Can you explain what you mean by a Global Project Class view. I am one
of the developers of Ruby in Steel and if we haven’t got this, I’d like
to know about it! :wink:

Do you mean you want to see all available classes? If so, we have the
Ruby Explorer which lets you view and navigate to all available classes
(when the classes are written in C, we navigate into the class
documentation - when they’re in Ruby, we go to the code).

If this is not what you mean, I’d be grateful if you could describe what
you are looking for.

best wishes
Huw C.

SapphireSteel Software
Ruby and Rails In Visual Studio


For them it is called a Code Explorer. List of all Classes available in
the project as well as collapsables so you can see properties and

Does saphiresteel also support rdoc / type hinting. Every IDE I have
come accross seems to either have limitation in 3 area, autocomplete,
code explorers or rdoc support.

I think our Ruby Explorer is what you may be looking for:

Does saphiresteel also support rdoc / type hinting. Every IDE I have
come accross seems to either have limitation in 3 area, autocomplete,
code explorers or rdoc support.

We have RDoc documentation in tooltips or in a docked window. We have
parameter information displayed in tooltips. We have analytical
IntelliSense that interprets your code as it is written in order to
provide code completion etc. In the current beta of our next release
(1.3) we also have an IntelliSense Librarian. This will let users
precompile IntelliSense libraries so that information can be provided
even when files are not ‘required’ in code (this is mainly for Rails).

Here is some more information on the things you’ve mentioned:

An overview…
(This shows various tooltip RDoc hints and the docked RDoc window)


The Editor

The Librarian

Please let me know if we’ve missed anything. We are always looking for
new ideas :wink:

best wishes

SapphireSteel Software
Ruby and Rails In Visual Studio