I'd like a way to download the ruby core referance docs

1:would please make a way to download the ruby core referance docs
because I work off a library computer I tried just saving all the web
pages but after 3 hours I gave up.
2: thanks to Chris pine for the tutorial it realy cleared things up now
I can look at ruby programs and understand them and understand the more
avanced documentation.

I made an error, their is documentation on my computer concerning
the varios classes etc. of ruby but it’s somewhat indescriptive
so I thought that their was none.
I sill say though that the documentation mentioned above is better
and I’d like to have it.

Chris pine tutorial is my favourite.

I’d love if someone was able to add a few more chapters (3 chapters) and
also update it to ruby 1.9.x

I heard that chris pine would do so but the old resources on the www
still seem to speak about 1.8.x

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 02:31:04PM +0900, Eric C. wrote:

rdoc-data --install

That will install the documentation (for use with ri) for all the
built-in classes, if you don’t already have it.

One evidently does not need the “rdoc-data --install” step for 1.9.2+.

john fink wrote in post #1052519:

I made an error, their is documentation on my computer concerning
the varios classes etc. of ruby but it’s somewhat indescriptive
so I thought that their was none.
I sill say though that the documentation mentioned above is better
and I’d like to have it.

I don’t know if this will help, but maybe you could try installing the
rdoc-data gem and then running:

rdoc-data --install

That will install the documentation (for use with ri) for all the
built-in classes, if you don’t already have it.