i have an domain in . ( is the first TLD, where domain names are
put in Cyrillic script only.) (see also http://teimos.ru/x/punycode/)
i’m trying to get working routes in cyrillic like
http://./ (XN--E1AIJIPB.XN--P1AI/XN--B1AGH1AFP)
to welcome#index (for example)
i tryed different ways but no luck with them all…
in Gemfile
gem ‘i18n_routing’
in routes.rb
localized(I18n.available_locales, :verbose => true) do
match ‘about’ => ‘welcome#index’, :as => :about
match ‘XN–B1AGH1AFP’ => ‘welcome#index’, :as => :about
in logs i have
Started GET “/” for 77.66.xxx.xxx at 2010-11-18 23:22:46 +0300
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/\xD0\xBF
Started GET “/” for 77.66.xxx.xxx at 2010-11-18 23:27:37 +0300
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/\xD0\xBF
Please give me an advice how to make it right .