I18n admin ui

Hi all!

I was wondering how people manage their application translations ?
I found solutions like tolk gem that will provide Web UI, but that will
work only if you have Active Record/db in your application. Also, tolk
like solutions are one per project.

But if you have 3 project and all of them want to translate ? How you
manage then ? For each project install web ui plugin to and translate
again ?

I didnt found a centralized way to translate (manage I18n.t keys ) for
more then one application.

I was wondering if out there is some web service that will provide web
ui to

  1. create/import/export translations
  2. Sync service translations with your local i18n object ?

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 16:06, Burebista [email protected] wrote:

I was wondering if out there is some web service that will provide web
ui to

  1. create/import/export translations
  2. Sync service translations with your local i18n object ?


We recently looked at a couple of different centralized web applications
help in our i18n efforts. We settled on WebTranslateIt, but there are a
others. We only have one application, but webtranslateit seems capable
managing several projects.

I wrote up a blog post about it. It mostly covers how we match our
workflow (several parallel feature branches in development) with a
centralized service for translations.



  • Martin

Thank you Martin for your reply. Very interesting to find out that not
only I have translation problem :slight_smile:

You might also want to try signing up for the LocaleApp
(http://www.localeapp.com) - seems like it will have all the
functionality you need.


as I see in webpage you provide, locale app is still unavailable.
When do you think it will be out ?

Christopher Dell wrote in post #995294:

You might also want to try signing up for the LocaleApp
(http://www.localeapp.com) - seems like it will have all the
functionality you need.