I want to Use each block only a certain # of times

I’m a newb with a simple question I have been researching everywhere

I have a block <% @current_user.calls.each do |c| %
<%= link_to c.name, etc,blah blah blah -%>
<& end %>

and it does this for all the current_user_calls I have but I want to
only show the last 5
Thery are laready in the order I want so is there a way to tell the
each to only do it 5 times

Any help will be appreciated

On Jul 9, 2008, at 10:09 AM, THEBIGO wrote:

each to only do it 5 times

Any help will be appreciated

@current_user.calls.first(5).each do |c|
@current_user.calls.last(5).each do |c|

depending on which order they are already in compared to what you want
to see.


Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]

On 9 Jul 2008, at 15:09, THEBIGO wrote:

each to only do it 5 times
You can’t. You can however give each an array with the correct number
of elements, eg
@current_user.calls[0,5].each …

If .calls is an activerecord associations then that’s not a great idea
because you’re loading all of them, only to discard all but the first 5.

current_user.calls.find :all, :limit => 5

will only load 5 calls etc…


Frederick C. wrote:

On 9 Jul 2008, at 15:09, THEBIGO wrote:

If .calls is an activerecord associations then that’s not a great idea
because you’re loading all of them, only to discard all but the first 5.

current_user.calls.find :all, :limit => 5

will only load 5 calls etc…


except you can’t eager load associations with a limit…
so if it weren’t just for current user,
but, instead;

@all_users.each do |user|
user.calls.last(5).each do |call|



@all_users.each do |user|
user.calls.find(:all, :limit => 5, :order => “id DESC”).each do |call|


I’d go for the former
I guess it’s a toss up between eager-loading too much, and doing too
many smaller queries…

Matthew R.

THEBIGO wrote:

Thanks much Fredrick but I’m not sure what to do with the code

So what gets shown in the view is a link to each call by name but it
lists all the calls and I only want 5 to show
The links work and go to the show action for the calls fine. So I am
not sure how to limit the number of calls shown
Any hlp will be appreciated - maybe I need a different loop. The
calls all have call.id’s not in order because different users
createcalls but
I handle the associations fine

well do exactly what Frhodri suggested;

<% recent_calls = current_user.calls.find(:all, :limit => 5, :order =>
“id DESC”) %>
<% if recent_calls.blank? %>

You have no calls

  • <%= link_to 'Add a call to get started!', { :controller => "calls", :action => "new" } %>
<% else %>

My Recent Calls

    <% recent_calls.each do |call| %>
  • <%= link_to call.name, {:controller => "calls", :action => 'show', :id => call.id} -%>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>


Thanks much Fredrick but I’m not sure what to do with the code
What I have is the followint

<% if @current_user.calls.blank? %>

You have no calls

  • <%= link_to ‘Add a call to get started!’, { :controller =>
    “calls”, :action => “new” } %>

<% else %>

My Recent Calls

    <% @current_user.calls.each do |c| %>
  • <%= link_to c.name, {:controller => “calls”, :action =>
    ‘show’, :id => c.id} -%>

  • <% end %>

<% end %>

So what gets shown in the view is a link to each call by name but it
lists all the calls and I only want 5 to show
The links work and go to the show action for the calls fine. So I am
not sure how to limit the number of calls shown
Any hlp will be appreciated - maybe I need a different loop. The
calls all have call.id’s not in order because different users
createcalls but
I handle the associations fine

On Jul 9, 7:14 am, Frederick C. [email protected]

Please don’t use finds, let alone finds with SQL, in views. Hide all
behind a well-named method on your Call model, create an extension named
“recent” on your has_many :calls association on User or use named_scope
Rails 2.1.x), and let your controller set up the data for the view.
Since it
looks like you might be using Rails 1.2.x, try something like this.

class Call < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.find_recent
find(:all, :limit => 5, :order => “id DESC”)


class User < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :calls


class WhateverController < …

def whatever_action_is_being_used_in_your_example
@recent_calls = current_user.calls.find_recent


in your view

<%- if @recent_calls.blank? -%>

You have no calls

... <%- else -%>

My Recent Calls

    <%- @recent_calls.each do |c| -%>
  • <%= link_to c.name, {:controller => "calls", :action => 'show', :id => c.id} %>
  • <%- end -%>
<%- end -%>

An approach like this keeps everything in its place in the MVC structure
that Rails provides. If you’d like to explore using the association
extension or named_scope, let the list know.


Rob I think this works and will try some more much thanks for all your
help and for everyones help
This is a great group

Thanks again all and thanks Craig

Actually I do all my finds in the user controller. I had also done
something with the user.rb file which I now see should have been in
calls.rb file so I will try that again. right now the suggestion by
Rob is working great so I appreciate all the lessons and input


On Jul 9, 10:11 am, “Craig D.” [email protected]